Lead Generation Made Easy For Small Business Owners

One of the best foundations for writing copy that converts is owning a blog. This gives you more exposure in less time to thousands of clients, if you do it right. But one of the biggest things holding most people back is that they dont have enough clients or prospects to speak to. What can we do?

"Lack Of Leads" disorder is an epidemic that more than one half of all the business owners I work with suffer from. Sadly, many don't know the antidote to this disease and will resort to all sorts of crafty measures, hoping they can sell enough products to at least show a profit each month. Some even give away their products 'hoping' somehow a miracle will occur and eventually they'll turn a profit. 

The answer to lack of leads is this- create massive targeted traffic and get really good at conversion.

Lead generation can become something that is not only enjoyable but also simple to do when working inside of WordPress. Here are a few tips for generating tens of thousands of leads that are highly targeted and qualified for your small business every year:

Lead Generation Made Easy With A Blog

1. Do not make your entire blog about your product or service. People connect with people so it's important to have "you" on your blog. Time and time again I've seen my coaching clients make more money, sell more products and have more fun when they bring who they are into the blog. The focus is relationship- fun- common interests. Those who read your blog are not looking to have a relationship, fun or a common interest with a product. So make it more personal.

2. Use the right keywords in the right way. Your tags are 'site specific' and your keywords are 'post specific'. You'll rise higher on the Google ladder if you keep these right. When publishing a blog, don't forget to input the keywords that are relevant to that post. As well, fertilize your site with these keywords in the tag section, in headlines and in your copy. Don't keyword stack! This means if you have a weight loss product, you shouldn't be saying the word weight loss every 14th word. But it does mean you should be using words relevant to that niche throughout your content. 

Here's an example: This article is about lead generation. I'm writing methods of generating more leads,  with highly targeted clients. The keywords I'm using show that massive lead generation is not the goal, highly targeted lead generation is. By writing about these words, putting them in my copy and on the keyword sections of WordPress, this will help me to rise higher on Google in organic listings. 

3. Be consistent. Writing consistently at least 2 times per week will create more targeted leads than if you blog 'when you have time.' Can you imagine a magazine publishing company putting their content out to their readers 'when they feel like it'? The company would quickly implode. Consistency is a huge key of success in business. 

Doing more, compartmentalizing our time, pushing more into each hour- none of these bring success like doing the right things consistently does.  CONSISTENCY. This is our focus word.

In addition, by focusing more on your customers than on what you can do 'for' your business, you'll create a connection that is deeper and the results will go farther. 

Focus on getting a stream of ideal clients to your website. As you put your customers first you aren't chasing big numbers, you're chasing quality service, the ideal client and excellent results for those who come to you. THIS is how to create multiplication! 

Focusing on your customers will pay you an enormous amount of money. A customer centric company is the best company you'll ever build.  

What can YOU do to serve THEM? This is your daily focus.

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski, Facebook Marketing Expert