
International Happiness Day Celebration Contest Winners!!
by Holly Krakowski


The response we received from our Big Giveaway Happiness Day was astounding! We are OVERJOYED with all the happiness going around!

The impact our followers made yesterday was simply incredible. Think of all the happiness we spread to those who might not have had any! WOOHOO! Spreading love and joy to everyone we come in contact with is one of the goals we hold here at A Real Change. And because of you, our followers, we made a HUGE impact! We loved seeing your happiness pictures, so THANK YOU! They certainly brightened our day J

Sandi has shared her Twitter stats with all of us from the Happiness Day giveaway. Engagement skyrocketed because of this spontaneous contest, and Sandi added 1.4k followers during this time alone!

The response was amazing; with almost 1,000 retweets and even more direct responses. You never know when a spur-of-the-moment idea like this could be an outburst & increase for your brand! What a fun day! 



NOW what you all are waiting for- our winners!!

Tiffany Sembrera @tiffysem_– winner of the Kenra gift basket

Carson City CrossFit @CCCF_– winner of the red 16GB iPod nano

Dave Shrein @DaveShrein– winner of the 16 GB black Retina Display iPad

Tracy Watson @naturesgenesis– winner of the boots from Allen’s boots

Rempower @rempower– winner of the $150 gift card from Country Outfitter

Kimi Clark @KimiJClark– winner of the 1 month Social Media Inner Circle with Sandi Krakowski

Allison Schneider @usmc_wife01 – winner of the 1 month Social Media Inner Circle with Sandi Krakowski

Elisabeth Halligan @EllaHalliganRN – winner of the 1 month Social Media Inner Circle with Sandi Krakowski

Congrats to our 8 winners and a huge thank you to all who helped us spread a little happiness yesterday!! Please email client care at clientcare@arealchange.com

You're all a blessing to us!

Holly Krakowski

A Real Change, Holly Krakowski