"The Divine Call Of God On Business And The Key Role You Can Play" MP3 & Workbook Set!

Don't worry, this isn't some esoteric woo-woo information that asks you to spin in a chair and chant so you can grow your income.  Sheesh… I'm so SICK of that stuff.. are you?

I will say this…. that if you want to go farther than you've EVER done before in business, you are going to have to play differently. YOU need some supernatural help on top of your natural. That's the bottom line…

And it is my personal conviction that GOD is opening up heaven over businesses like never before… 

Earlier this year, April 2012, we had an event that sold out in less than 3 weeks and proved to be the most POWERFUL supernatural experience we all have ever had.. 

Since then…. we've had 130,000 MORE people added to our social media following and more than that to our email client base. 
And when I mentioned releasing the Workbook and 14 hours of unedited MP3's of  the event to those who wanted it we had a ton of people YELL AND HOLLER- "Give it to us!" back in November…
Well, you asked, we are answering!
Tomorrow, December 23, 2012, sometime in the late afternoon…(my team is finishing up final steps) we will release this LONG AWAITED Mp3 & Workbook set-
Please watch your inbox for the doors to open.
This is unlike anything you've EVER experienced before. Available for INSTANT download, instant action… instant SHIFT into what God wants your business to be!
Watch for it tomorrow….
With love,
Sandi Krakowski
P.S.  This learning kit WILL BE A POWERFUL TOOL to usher in wealth, wisdom and more fun than you ever dreamed as possible to have, with GOD on your side!