Current Classes


Facebook Marketing Strategies Part 1


Facebook Marketing Strategies From Top Forbes Facebook Marketing Expert FREE TELE-CLASS


Have you been weaving your way through all the changes on Facebook wondering HOW to make it work for your business? Things are changing FAST! And I am here to serve you!







Facebook Marketing Strategies Part 2


Facebook Marketing Strategies From Top Forbes Facebook Marketing Expert FREE TELE-CLASS


Join me for a 2 hour POWER PACKED FREE tele-class where I will reveal to you many of the social media changes that will affect you as a business owner.









Time And Life Management For The Business Owner


The Real Facts, Figures And Nitty Gritty Of Doing The Work! FREE Tele-Class With Sandi Krakowski


How on earth does a Millionaire Mompeneur who homeschools, have recovered from a life threatening illness, has been debt free for almost 5 years now DO IT ALL? Learn how in this 2 hour tele-class on time and life management.







30-day Making More With Your Blog


Make More Money, Attract More Clients And Build The Business Of Your Dreams!


Step-By-Step strategies for making more money with your blog in today’s social media driven economy ANY business owner can use!




