
Earlier today Facebook released "Facebook Live" that allows a page to live broadcast on their page to their followers. Think "Periscope" with a broader reach, being able to save your video and it's right on your page. WOW! This is currently only being released to celebrity and public pages that are verified. It works through the "Mentions" app with a "Go LIVE!" button. It also includes live interactive Q & A features, where you can host a 'townhall' question session right on your page. I'm so excited to know I will be getting this feature, according to my Facebook advisor, in the next day or so! YAY!!

When we begin to look at the Facebook feed, brands trying to fight for their content to be seen, more and more users on the platform, it's obvious that something has to give. We as brands must begin to think with good ole fashioned copywriting skills and direct response marketing tactics. 

Here are some of my thoughts that I recently shared in a Facebook Media and Advertising Group I belong to. In that group are large brands like National Geographic, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, CNN, Fox News and other large brands.  As you read these thoughts, start to think how you could use Facebook LIVE on your page. They always start out with a very select group of pages and then advance to everyone. SO, it's coming to a page near you!

My thoughts on Facebook Live:

First off, I LOVE the idea and am very excited about it. There's so many ways a brand could use it. I think live broadcast videos and other videos should be in a place on the page that the audience goes to. A section, that has it's OWN separate notification system built into it that you can subscribe to as a page follower/fan. If we have articles like that as well (using the brand new tool, "Instant Articles" that Facebook is also releasing to some select brands and verified pages), and even groups connected to our page directly, people would come to the page more often, like a blog or website.

I've always said that part of the page owners task is to 'train their readers/followers' to come back to the timeline regularly and don't depend on just a 'LIKE" to mean you won their attention. We've seen more than 70% of our followers do just this- get our content on our timeline. Then the feed would be for conversation and other posts. You could advertise to get others to your page, kinda like you do on Google, and use hashtags and great content and copy so that a 'SEO' type search starts working.

There's gonna be a nightmare if all the content ends up on the feed. I think FB will come up with some creative way to 'categorize' or 'file' different things on the page and ways for the page owner to 'trigger' or use great direct response marketing to get the attention of followers and new people. Winning the trust and loyalty of the reader and follower is important, just like on a blog and website.

Just because someone likes a page doesn't automatically mean that they'll see your content, anymore than someone who finds our page on a website. I'm eager to see what kind of technology they'll use to keep things organized. It's obvious that business pages and advertisers are important to Facebook. I have always said I wish they'd have paid pages with amazing features you could upgrade to.

I believe Facebook will become the most robust search tool on the internet, better than even Google, in upcoming years. Just not sure when that would occur. With streaming broadcasts, more videos, being able to revenue share video content and over a billion users, organization is going to have to happen. AND it will require great marketing skills on the part of the page owner as it always has in business. Just my 2 cents.  

With love,
Sandi Krakowski
