Have you ever noticed how we tend to tell people to strive for greatness as the people of God, but when they embrace those gifts we turn on them and accuse them of being vain, overly ambitious, worldly, or even sinful?
We instruct and pray for Christians to invade the marketplace, bringing the love of God to everyone throughout the world, but once they are there being the salt and light we sent them to be, the criticism begins to fly. They are too focused on the world and not enough on the church. They have forgotten their foundation. They are being influenced rather than being the influence.
We have to be mindful of the judgments we are placing on the successes of others. If God has called them to work in a high-profile position, it is our responsibility to equip them for success in this calling and get out of God’s way as He continues that work through them. If God raises up someone in Hollywood or Las Vegas or Washington, we must be very careful to support them in prayer and encouragement, and we must not give in to jealousy and the temptation to tear them down. We cannot comprehend what God is doing there. We cannot know what work He is performing through them.
When we train our children for greatness, we must prepare them, empower them, and equip them to be great, powerful, and holy. Equip them to trust where God has placed them and what He has planned for them.
We do not have insight into the ways God chooses to move and use us for His purposes. Don’t criticize what you don’t understand. Just allow God to move through you, through others, and through circumstance without interfering. When you get out of the way, prepare to see God’s greatness in yourself, in your children, and in others. Prepare to BE MORE.
If you feel called to change the world and make a big impact, be prepared for people to either love you or hate you.
Excerpt From The Book: #BEMORE: 77 Secrets To Your Powerful Life
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