Learn My Millionaire Email Marketing, Opt In Offer And Newsletter Secrets That You Can Use Instantly To Increase Cash Flow, Get Higher Conversions And Engagement
Dear Business Owner ( or even part time blogger, affiliate marketer or hobbyist)-
What if….. I could teach you how to create an insanely converting Opt In offer, how to write emails that create cash, even with a small list, show you my millionaire secrets for email conversion that have brought in $125,000 with just one email & have helped even my beginners get conversion on their eBooks, video courses and more?
Would you be interested?
Than keep reading….. because this thing is going to sell out fast. I guarantee it. The last time I taught a course on email it sold out in 9 hours!
There are two things you MUST master online in order to have success. It is these two things that have paid me more than $10 million dollars in the last 2 years… and I'm ready to show YOU my secrets.
Now, before you think "Well you're a copywriter and have been working online for the last 15 years, how on earth can this work for me?" let me share a little secret with you that most of the gurus online hope you never discover. It is this one thing that built an 8 FIGURE business fast and you can use it immediately! NO KIDDING.
People buy what they want, not what they need…. and they listen to the voice that resembles their own.
If you can learn how to speak to your ideal client, no matter WHAT your product or service is, with the language that they are already speaking in and lead them to their deepest wants quickly and effectively, closing the sale gets very easy.
Anyone can write great emails, it's just takes simple step – by – step instructions regarding how people think and how to talk to them. Even my beginning coaching clients are making $ 1000-3000 per week because of the simple techniques that I've taught them for email and opt in conversions.
It's really not that hard…. however I must break this to you gently. We've built a client base of over 290,000 customers and there is ONE BIG error I see occurring more than anything else, on a daily basis. Simply put, people give up right on the brink of succeeding.
I see it all the time, new business owner reviews their click thru rate, their open rate, their Facebook insights and thinks, "This is NEVER going to work!" and yet……. they missed the key factor that actually showed it not only WOULD work but it could work really fast for them, IF they were able to get the input they need. Most won't and most will then fail.
YOU don't have to do that. Many newsletters that I review every single month for my clients have just 1-2 small things wrong that are ruining their retention rates. They fix it and BAM, problem fixed! It doesn't take 'email marketing therapy' and a twelve step recovery program! It's one quick fix and they are singing!
Same thing happens every single week that I do critiques of copywriting and opt in offers! One small word choice and the results are sinking fast. In other words, 1-2 opt ins per day and the person is crying their eyes out! We change the words, alter the language just a tiny bit and BAM…. they're at 40-60 opt ins to their list per day and planning their latest product launch!
YOU can be next! I'll show you how.
Let's meet together for 4 hours, you and me. First day in class we'll meet for 2 hours. Second day, we'll gather back together for 2 more intense hours.
We'll spend time locked away in a Webinar training classroom that you can access from anywhere in the world and I'll show you how to:
- Set up your Opt In so you can get the highest level of conversion
- Write words that not only convert but sell
- Learn how to write an email that people will actually reply to
- Sell your best product through email and no one will ever feel like they were sold to
- How to build genuine and authentic relationships on social media that propel your email campaigns forward
- What to look for in click through rates
- How to determine if your open rate is legitimate or inaccurate
- When to use Google Analytics so that you can increase Opt In conversions
- How to bring email and a Facebook page together for more cash
During these hours I'll not only TEACH you how to get the job done, but take note- I'll be spending time reviewing YOUR work so you can see common errors, where most people drop the ball and how YOU can increase your results immediately.
Quit buying into the lies that it takes a long time to get good at email and newsletter writing. Some of my beginner students are already making $1000-3000 per week! And PLEASE… quit buying into the lie that once you start making six figures you have to change everything. NO YOU DO NOT.
Listen….. the other thing most Gurus' won't tell you is that when you get to six figures there is only ONE thing that makes it easy to get to seven figures and even eight figures. By the way, I've done both and am more than qualified, able and ready to show you.
We will be using a screen sharing video webinar for the entire four hours

You'll see my screen, dial in through a phone line & computer and be attending with 200 other students. After the class in approximately 8-10 business days we'll create a Private Password Protected Learning Library where you can receive the Videos & MP3's & Transcript of the entire event. NOTE, you can watch these and listen on any Smartphone, Pad Device, Laptop Or Computer, Mac & PC. It's fantastic!!!
Here's our class schedule:
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 4:00-6:00 pm ET
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 4:00-6:00 pm ET
ONE attendee pass to this event!
- Full 4-hour video recording after event
- Full 4-hour transcript after event
Limited Seating Available!
$ 147.00 Per Attendee
Write to client care today- this event is sold out but we might be able to squeeze you in!
NOTE: There are no payment plans for this event due to the limited seating and huge demand for this content. Once it is sold out, it is sold out.