
Dreams Do Come True

I’ve been praying for my little guys future wives since they were wee little babies.

My middle guy was about 3 years old and I knew he had something very special about him and that he’d do something to impact a lot of lives. He’s a thinker and a dreamer all at one time. When he was little he struggled with dyslexia and I taught him that his genius mind was both analytical and creative so we are going to work with it and not against it. He was 7 years old and struggling to read. Brilliant in figuring things out, communicating and building, but words were hard.

With my plan of helping his creative and analytical side work together and declaring “You are perfect and made exactly as The Lord God Almighty has designed you … Ready and able to do a special work on the earth.”  Everyday, we did 15 mins of reading and prayed into his future. By the time he was 9 he was reading 7th grade books & by 10 high school history books, his favorite subject! Today he runs our billing department as a manager and has been working diligently for ARC since he was 15. He makes a great living and is debt free.

When he met his favorite girl Holly I knew he would marry her the first time he brought her home. God told me. She is everything I’ve prayed for and more. Her love for Jesus is strong and she adores Justin! She will be our full time PR manager when she finishes school next month, she’s worked as a PA for me for 2 years! And if she can handle me she’ll be great for Justin! HA!

Sunday, January 12, 2014 they will be married. Thank you God for keeping me alive through many serious health challenges and even a few times when they almost lost me…. To be able to see, live and enjoy this glorious day!!! You are so faithful God and I’m so honored to have raised this man, Justin Aaron! WOOHOO! He’s all growed up!

Tears ….. Today is his last day at home. He’ll be with his best men & brothers tonight… At a hotel near the wedding site tomorrow… And then off into forever with his bride!

The future Mr & Mrs Justin Krakowski!

Justin and Holly

If you’d like to leave a blessing or a word for them below, please feel free! 

With love,

Sandi Krakowski