Dream With God Long Enough & Your Reality Will Become A Dream

By: Sandi Krakowski

When the children of God believe God…. He can do far more in their lives than when they live in unbelief. The thing that He seeks more than anything is a people that believe Him, that He can show Himself strong on their behalf.

About 15 years ago I began to raise my hand and shout, "Over here!"

Many people look at all that we've accomplished in business and in life and don't see or understand the story behind all of the changes….. today I want to shout from the rooftops, "Look at what the Lord God Almighty has done!"

The verse in Habukkuk 1:5 "Look at the nations and watch–and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told."  is the beginning of a story I never knew would happen. 

For many years I held this verse close to my heart after a man very blessed in the prophetic spoke this over my life. Just one year after God completely healed me from multiple life threatening diseases…. along the path of peeling our way out of massive debt and many destructive habits these words came. I must admit, there were so many days and even nights that I had a heart that wondered if it was really true… but the mustard seed faith in me would shine through and I would again dream with God.

God looks for those who will co-create with Him and become the people of God He designed for them to be.

He doesn't ask that we be perfect but He asks for perfect faith that will not doubt.

God desires that His people would not be impotent but they would be the powerful ones who rule and reign representing Him amidst a dark culture so that others might find freedom through His Son. Why He picked me I'll never know but there's one thing I knew I had going for me when everything else was shattering around and within… that was a dreaming believing heart that wouldn't quit.

When the voices would scream and the doubt would enter in and the flashbacks of horrific trauma as a kid would plague my mind I would dream with God about a day when pain was gone and wholeness would come to my life and to our family.  When the debt was looming and there was not enough to pay all of the bills and we didn't know how we'd ever make it through another month, I would dream with God about a day of no struggle.

My friends, I am a living miracle and I am here to declare that the Lord God wishes to do a big work in your life as well.  I did not earn nor did I qualify for the great work He has done in me. Unless you call a horrific rape, trauma as a kid, making mistake after mistake along with suicide and depression as a qualification….. if so, than I must run to the front of the line.

NO, the thing that I have going for me more than anything else and the thing I'd like to impart into you this day is the ability to dream with God. To take Him at His word. To co-create a life that has a ripple effect everywhere it goes, changing things that come within it's path.

God is not dead and He is not hidden. He is very much alive and my friends, if you would just have faith and do what He has told you to do, you too would be a living miracle declaring His goodness and His mercies over your own life as well.

"Look at the nations and watch–and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." 

God wants to do a big work in you. Begin to dream and dream until your reality becomes more than you could have ever imagined. Begin to train your mind to dream, to expand and to go to places that you have yet to experience. Allow your heart to be like a child again and receive the images, pictures and downloads that the Lord God is bringing to you. Stop questioning, stop reasoning, stop assessing and trying to assent with mere knowledge.  Faith will always take your farther.

God is looking for a people in this generation who will partner with Him through business, use the internet as a platform, change nations and impact the world because they FULFILL their potential and allow Him to dream through their lives. God has dreams for you, far greater than you could ever perceive for yourself and it's time for you, it's time NOW, for you to dream with Him.

I believe in YOU! 

You are created to be a Champion!!

You are given power from on high to co-create with the Creator of the Universe. Step out of that box. It's time for YOU to shine! 

With love,  

Sandi Krakowski