I am so sorry to interrupt your Sunday afternoon but it is really important that I get this out to you… 

During the last 24 hours something really crazy has happened and I need to put you on notice….

Many people JUMPED at our 4-EZ Payment Option to our Dallas, TX event paying only $77.00 for their seat… and at this point I'm really glad they did!

My email "In" box has been buzzing from CEO's who began to ask if they brought their entire team of staff, could they get a group discount.  The answer is Yes, please write to us at clientcare@arealchange.com if you have an entire team of staff to bring. We'll help out with that..

Can you imagine? Training your ENTIRE STAFF that your business is designed by God to do big things in the world and everyone is on the same page?  That is mind boggling to me! WOW!

Then we got some Pastors and Full Time ministers who said they were working hard to get there…. and it is my heart's desire to honor their full-time work & we extended them a special discount. If you are a pastor, full time minister , please write to us at clientcare@arealchange.com

OMG…. and then it took off like crazy!!! OY!

We have a few full time military people who didn't realize we give a BIG discount for active military duty!! If that is you… please write us as well!

At this event we have a BIG room divided in two so that we can have our meetings together, do some snacks together, grab water, mingle, etc and not get lost in the hotel…. and my team told me this morning…. we are more than 2/3 sold out already!

It's 6 weeks away!!! We're almost sold out!

Please, I beg of you… don't miss this one. 

I am not the kind of person who begs, but last night I was on my face crying out to the Living God of the Universe and I asked Him to put supernatural action on this notice. I asked Him to put fire on your butt if you are supposed to be at this event to take action!! It would be so hard to hear you were supposed to be there… and you didn't get a seat.

Please, act now!!!

And if you are active military duty, a full time pastor or minister or you have 4 or more staff you want to bring (or a part of your direct sales team!) please write me for a special group discount.. clientcare@arealchange.com 

YOUR dreams mean the world to me! I pray for you every single day. I honestly do.

With love,
Sandi Krakowski

P.S. We know you WILL want to make a big commitment to your business, THIS YEAR. We are ready to serve you. Get your seat now.