Time And Life Management For The Business Owner- The Real Facts, Figures And Nitty Gritty Of Doing The Work!  

FREE Tele-Class With Sandi Krakowski

"Your time is your life, so, you want  to spend your time  on the goals  and  task  that enable  and enrich your life.  The reality is that time/life /task  management  is freaking hard! for most folk it goes against our nature. to us, it's far more natural to DO… If you never enough time,  this material  is for you. Most people suffer from time famine'… " Joven


Dear Busy Business Builder and Entrepreneur,


I have to be straight with you. If I hear one more time management class of how to get more done in less time I will throw up.

As a recovering perfectionist and one who could EASILY do the work of 9 people in one day, I have to tell you the truth.

This is not going to make me popular

This will not make me any money, it's free for crying out loud

But I cannot raise up business builders who lose their life like everyone else is doing.

I want you to have a LIFE and a business, which is what freedom is all about!

I am going to teach a 2 hour tele-class on time and life management. How on earth does a Millionaire Mompeneur who homeschools, have recovered from a life threatening illness, has been debt free for almost 5 years now DO IT ALL?

I will tell you.

But.. it won't be pretty.

It will be facts, figures, nitty gritty, get it DONE already type of information you've been craving for.

The clients who do what I tell you will make more money, have a better sex life, enjoy their kids and have the business of their dreams.

Let's build a business AND a life together!

Here is the audio from this call, as my gift to you-Just enter you first name and email and you'll get it IMMEDIATELY to download in your "In" box. 







Thank you so much for taking time show us what you have learned in time management over the years, Sandi. I only got the first 20 minutes last night as I had an appointment, but just those few minutes had my eyes & ears WIDE OPEN!!! Watching for the MP3's like a hawk. 🙂 Can hardly wait for the day when I get to meet you in person!!!  Abundant Health Everyday

Awesome call Sandi! I soooo needed! Thanks!  Deb Kunz Baxter

The call is amazing Sandi. Excited to start working with you! THANK YOU!  Laura Preston
Learning balance & discipline through time & life management .. this stuff is great! 
"Your time is your life, so, you want  to spend your time  on the goals  and  task  that enable  and enrich your life.  The reality is that time/life /task  management  is freaking hard! for most folk it goes against our nature. to us, it's far more natural to DO… If you never enough time,  this material  is for you. Most people suffer from time famine'… " Joven

Losing fear, moving forward and stepping into who I am designed to be. Because of Sandi K. Great call!! Angela Brooks  
I'm in love with this time & life management call! Amazing! Angie Scott Pillars  
This call was so eye-opening. Thank you so much! Judy McDuell Preciado