YOU are a part of a global movement to TRANSFORM SOCIETY…


God wants to do MORE than just make you hugely successful….. He wants to TRANSFORM SOCIETIES, love people, serve others and create jobs through YOUR business!

Dear Entrepreneur With A Dream & A Passion,
Alan and I have been spending some special time talking about a topic that we have only mentioned just a few times in the last year….
And when we do mention it, it's something that gets hundreds of comments on our blog, a ton of responses on Facebook and Twitter and personal emails start rolling in more than any other topic we have touched on.
It's the topic of God showing up in business.
Many of you have heard me say before that there is a enormous shift going on in our economic structure. Ironically, we're seeing more than ever before in our world's history, people are turning to something way beyond themselves to get insight as to where our world is headed.
Are you a conscious, enlightened, spiritual minded entrepreneur who wants to creates a BIGGER change in the world than you ever dreamed was possible? This is it!
I'm here to tell you that God has stepped outside of man's pre made box several years ago and is alive and well in the marketplace in a way that is quite shocking! He's loving people through venues that most said He wasn't allowed to step into and He's showing off with inventions, skills and cash flow, in ways people thought He had no interest in.

The internet offers an opportunity like NO OTHER to build a successful business all on your own terms…

Moms and Dads making tens of thousands of dollars from the comfort of their kitchen table! No college degree required! Students tapping into the power of the internet and creating $100k plus from their dorm! The internet has changed our world so much so that the 'cyber' and the 'real' worlds now cross over in real time!

I've been working online for the last 15 years… and I've made millions of dollars in profits. From the comfort of a kitchen table, my laptop, sometimes my deck outside…. 

Now I'm going to take a BIG RISK here and tell how something very few people have ever heard me say…

GOD HIMSELF has called me, given me SUPERNATURAL ability to make money.

He has given me skill and  insight that goes beyond anything I could ever know on my own to outpace and out profit companies that have been around a lot longer than we have. 

And it's not because I'm anyone special….. it's because HE has a plan for my business life. 

He has one for YOU TOO, no matter who you are… and I want to show you how to find it! 

In Dallas, TX on March 31- April 1, 2012 I shared with you how ordinary people are able to make extra-ordinary amounts of money working from their own business and how to have GOD Himself become a part of everything you do.

WHY you need this course!

Being there live cannot be replaced, that is for sure. We have a book signing where we can meet, have pictures and more Friday night… Saturday night is a special time where I can speak my heart, reach out to people who need specific things through prayer and encouragement. I'm praying I can have some people to GIVE TO .. what God has given me through prayer! 

All day Saturday & Sunday are doing hand outs, tests on strengths in business, how to MONETIZE your gifting, write better copy, create better sales pages, get GOD involved in everything you do in business and how to do "Read Their Mind Part 2" from my book.


Some of our amazing clients…

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"Plugging into Sandi Krakowski's Coaching has been one of the best decisions in my life. She has given me a simple, easy to follow plan for success.  Because of her Coaching, I had my first 6 figure year and was able to hire staff to help me expand even further!  I'm excited for what the future holds!" Thank you so much Sandi!

Jimmy Hays Nelson  


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When I first met Sandi on Twitter, I wanted to learn more about WP and  how to write better copy. I had personally built million dollar businesses, but upping my game in a full fledged coaching / consulting business  for creative entrepreneurs was a different business model for me. It wasn’t that I didn’t have the industry experience, I was not communicating as effectively as I could nor was I offering the best programs for my target market. Step in Sandi –  and now in my second year of Diamond Coaching with her, I am a better writer / communicator;  I am completely confident  charging what I’m worth for my private VIP clients; and I am creating more options for teleclasses and group opportunities for helping newer or growing creative product companies. Sandi’s been with me every step of the way! It’s made a huge impact on my bottom line and most of all I am now better equipped to effectively help more creative entrepreneurs turn their big idea into a money making business without going down unnecessary rabbit holes! 

Jane Button


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I'm 16 and very thankful to have had a VIP session with Sandi. After meeting, I was able to start my own virtual assisting business and blog. I love serving my clients and having a path to continually design a life I was made to live. 


Bethany Looi  



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In my first month of working with Sandi and PJ my income increased by 4 times what I'd earned in any month since quitting my job 4 months previously. I have gained so much clarity about what I'm here to do and have gone from focusing mainly on Websites to seeing that my business is so much more. My focus is now much clearer – to help people take their business online one piece at a time; showing them via technology how to mobilise their business for portable profits. I can't wait to see what the next few months brings!

Andrea Beadle  






"The Divine Call Of God On Business And The Key Role You Can Play"
Millionaire Mompreneur serving over 1 MILLION clients online
INTRODUCING Featured Guest Speaker
Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Author of "Thou Shall Prosper: 10 Commandments For Making Money"


SPECIAL GUEST PRESENTER, The Mindset Maven, who helps people like NO ONE WE KNOW to get to their Divine Purpose, Passion and Power faster than anyone in the marketplace,
PJ McClure!





This is not a political or religious meeting, but be forewarned. I am going to show you how to write copy, work in your business, blog, interact on social media in such a way that if my competitors saw this they'd freak out!

Learn how to make money in ANY economy!

Learn how to read the marketplace and figure out if what you are doing is actually going to make money.

Learn how to 'test' something in the marketplace and time your 'lauches and releases' just right so that profits are guaranteed.


If you've been working hard to build a business online and you STILL don't get all the in's and out's of marketing… and you KNOW you have to do something this year… I'm asking you to make a decision to DO YOUR PART!


This will be the biggest and more influential event we've ever done as a company! You do NOT want to miss it.
Just some of the highlights you can expect:





  • Protect yourself against living for someone else's dream – Are you tired of creating a dream for someone else to enjoy? Bring yourself out of the trap of 'just surviving' and find out the business plan God created a long time ago for you to enjoy!
  • Safeguard against common detours that hold people back- Is it possible the persecution you've felt on your life, your business and even your own mind could be a direct sabotaging attempt to stop you from being a huge impact in the world?
  • Secure your family with three things you need to survive an economic crash- Do you fear an economic crash and worry about what could happen to you, your family and your children? We will share strategic steps that will assure you a NO FEAR zone in any culture!
  • Why it's critical to understand that money comes in shifts and how to tap into money business funnels- Surges of money in the economy comes in shifts and we are in a time period, THIS YEAR, in 2012 when the perfect divine activated manifested will of God will come to pass. This means that it is a GOOD TIME for you to build a business. NOW. Learn why and how!
  • Identify your personal strengths and monetize them in the business world- Have you wondered what you are really good at? Curious how to 'assess' if you even have a marketable idea, skill or vision? We'll be doing hands on training, surveys and quizzes so that you leave very clear on what your purpose is!


  • Raise children who think like entrepreneurs- This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY event! Bring your 16-18 year old children to learn how you can actually work with your family in a great environment where it's not only COOL but also hugely profitable!
  • Working with your spouse without stress, competition or insecurity- There's no secret to working with your spouse. But there are things you need to know ahead of time to learn how to work with your spouse, how to know when it would not be a good idea and how to have peace in the process! THIS IS A BIG SESSION!
  • Why Gods role for men and women differs and how to live freely as a team with the opposite sex apart from discrimination- The role of men and women in the world, the church and abroad has been so diluted, misrepresented and misguided that it is NOW TIME that we no longer live in ignorance and we understand what God designed for all of us!
  • The key role religion and spirituality play in huge business surges- Religion and spirituality play a KEY ROLE in business today… even though it's politically incorrect to even speak of. Learn the BIG difference between religion and spirituality. Learn how to identify what is the will of God for YOU personally and how to avoid all the trappings of things that are not.
  • Hidden talents in business you were born with- We'll teach you how to find your gifts, how to use them and give you resources for learning how to activate them daily in your life and business!
And so much more that will not only impact your ability to create wealth, but it will also clear away a lot of the misconceptions people have about business and working as a very successful entrepreneur.
It would be MY HONOR to have you with us at this life changing event! Register now!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski
YOUR CURRICULUM For The Virtual Training Kit-
MODULE #1- Sand Krakowski  "Identify Your Calling"

MODULE #2- PJ McClure "Pain, Pleasure And How We Build Limitations With Them"

MODULE #3-   Sandi Krakowski "Who Are You & Whose You Are- Gifts, Talents & Abilities"

MODULE #4-   Sand Krakowski  "Prosperity Vs Poverty- Prince Or Pauper"

MODULE #5-   PJ McClure "Decision Making That Changes Your Life"

MODULE #6-   Sand Krakowski "Read Their Mind" How to actively bring your call to your blog, social media and more Part 1"

MODULE #7-   Rabbi Lappin  "Does God Want You To Be Rich? The ANSWER May Surprise You!"

MODULE #8-   Sandi Krakowski  "Read Their Mind" How to actively bring your call to your blog, social media and more Part 2"

MODULE #9- Sandi Krakowski "ACTIVATE And Faithfulness For Blessing"

MODULE #10- Rabbi Lappin. "Three Behaviors To Starts Tomorrow That Will Dramatically Boost Your Income In 2013"

 MODULE #11- Sandi Krakowski and PJ McClure "Q & A Session"








You receive:
  • 14 hours of MP3's to add to your learning library forever! Each session is unedited & just like it was live, so you don't miss a thing!
  • Entire workbook that attendees received in PDF format for you to use digitally or print out



INCLUDES as well- Special 2-Hr Training Sandi Krakowski gave from the Bible on "10x Greater: How To Maximize Your Spiritual Gifts For Business



1 EZ Payment $177.00   

2 EZ Payments $87.00 




Sandi’s 100% Personal Guarantee!
Sandi’s Special Satisfaction Guarantee- If you are not completely satisfied and don’t walk away from this series ready to take action and run your business- simply ask for a refund and we’ll gladly give you 100% of your money back, no questions asked!
guaranteed WordPress For The Business Owner Part II