As many of you know, I ran a very large kitchenware store online back in the 90's online. And we had a big client base of amazingly loyal clients. One day I ran a big promotion on one of the best selling Y2K books on the market along with a kitchen mixer… you do remember Y2K, don't you? 

Well, the title of this book I was promoting was, "Don't Get Caught With Your Pantry Down" and unfortunately, my best spell-checking efforts late into the evening didn't catch my typo. Yes, you guessed it. An email went out to a very conservative audience of 30,000 people and we did a TON of sales! What gave me a stomach ache when I realized what I did ended up increasing our profits in a huge way! That is the power of a loyal audience…. and one with a sense of humor! 🙂

Listen, there are some big changes taking place online and one of the biggest to hit recently was the change to Timelines For Pages On Facebook.

This change will affect how many people do business. It will quite literally CHANGE the way they can do business, what they should be doing with their clients vs what they ARE doing and more. You, however, if you have followed our teachings and are familiar with how to use good old fashioned business strategies such as :

Content + Relationship + Communication know that these changes won't upset you!

It might upset your competitors… it will quite frankly send many businesses into a tail spin, but YOU will be exempt if you are doing what we teach!

BIG CHANGES taking place with Timeline For Pages On Facebook!

I want to help you make sure you are using Timeline For Pages On Facebook in such a way that you CAN increase your profits, you DON'T break any of their new rules (such as you can't put your URL or a CTA in the Timeline Page image). I also want to show you how to –

1. Use direct response marketing to increase engagement
2. Understand your audience so they come to your page hourly, not daily
3. Interact with people quickly, all day long, without having to spend hours upon hours on Facebook
4. How to offer a promotion or an offer and triple your response
and more.

In the Inner Circle in March, starting TOMORROW, March 1st I'll be spending the entire month on Timeline For Pages On Facebook.  I'll be doing GoToMeeting trainings, where I share with you our Insights, our data and more (through screen sharing and screen captures) so you can learn first hand what we're doing.

We personally have made more than $ 1 million dollars through social media and more than 2/3 of that is coming through Facebook! Let me show you how!

Become an Inner Circle member NOW, before midnight EST tonight, February 29, 2012 and you'll have access to ALL of February's content as well! 

Let's do this together… and then you can be certain that if you DO make mistakes.. you make a lot of money with them, rather than get penalized! 🙂

See you there!

With love,
Sandi Krakowski

P.S. Yes, you read that right. IF you join the Inner Circle before February 29,2012 at 12:00 midnight EST tonight, you will have access to the entire month of February's content as well. IF you join after midnight, at 12:01 am March 1, 2012 you will receive acces to the entire March content, but you will lose the month of February.