


Let me teach you my EMAIL & AUTO RESPONDER secrets that made over $1 million dollars in direct sales, over $10 million dollars in a copywriting firm and today builds hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits every month with the company I now own! AUTO RESPONDER MAGIC will change your business future!


Dear Small Business Owner who lacks time, can't reply to every email, wants to close more sales and needs some help with their copywriting,

One of the most enjoyable things for me about writing sales copy, email campaigns and auto responders is when a client replies to an email I have written and says, “Ok Sandi, I’ve been following you for quite sometime now and I still can’t tell if this was written to me personally (because it made me feel great!) or if it was an auto responder!” 

These emails tickle me because it means they are written well and my clients love to interact with me. Do you love to hear from your clients?  Here’s a secret- if you do they’ll love to ‘talk back’ to you!

A recent email I sent out to my entire list triggered 1367 replies in just 2 days. Notes of appreciation, kindness, fun comments and more from people I’ve never met but who have relationships with me online. Some connect through our TV Show, others through our Facebook page and some through Twitter.

On Demand Video Class Makes Learning EASY!!!

This on demand video class can be done at any time, anywhere you are at. Watch it on your smart phone to program your mind while you work out at the gym to write better emails. Listen to it while you cook, drive or do some other passive activity, like shower. 

If you were to hire me to write your emails and auto responders you would have to pay me $2997 per hour. But you can't. My waiting list is more than 7 months long and with speaking engagements, upcoming events and my book tour, well, I'm just not available.

But now… you can learn the exact same secrets I use daily and do it all on your own time schedule, in your own time frame.

When it comes to using auto responder messages people can see through the chatter really quickly. As is the case with everything else in business- not all auto responder messages are created equal. I’ve seen some that are down right silly,outdated and inappropriate. I bet you have as well.

Auto response messages, which are emails that are prewritten & sent automatically at a predetermined time, can build rapport, increase trust & give more credibility with your audience. Or…. It can make you look like very unprofessional and out of date. They can INCREASE your social media followings, close more sales and make your business run like a well oiled machine!


Auto Responders With Sandi Krakowski

I'm going to throw in with this video class 100 PAGES OF TEMPLATES you can use instantly!

Just to show you I am so serious about your business I'm going to throw in at no additional cost 100 pages of my best email templates! If you wanted me to write an email for you it would cost $2997 per hour! What if I could give you some of my best templates you could use instantly and it wouldn't cost you a penny!
Sandi Krakowski Email Sample
My auto responders will not only help you build your social media connections, but it will help you to work less hours and make more money. Build your company, market your products and services and have your auto-responders working 24/7 for you building rapport, gaining you referrals and getting repeat business! THIS is the beauty of an online company!
You'll know you've 'tapped into the Magic' when your clients reply to your auto-responders and they THINK you just wrote that letter to them personally!
When your clients read these letters you'll be writing you'll be amazed at how they begin to communicate with you on Facebook, how they complain less, feel valued and do repeat buying from your company.
Learn How To Write Auto-Responders That Work Like MAGIC!!!
4 hours total –Video Training Class ON-DEMAND you can learn anytime of the day

1 EZ Payment – $ 77.00




This comes with my *no-risk, 60 day unconditional money back guarantee*. I am so convinced that you will have results be satisfied with this class, I’m willing to take the risk of letting you attend the entire class, and then decide if it was for you. *There is NOTHING to lose!*