A Real Change Certified

We are having graduations this month!!

During the last 6 months I've been working with Social Media Content Managers as well as The A Real Change Certified Copywriter's program. This month we graduate hard-working committed students who have given their all and are already making an amazing income!

When you are looking for people to serve your business that have personally worked with me to get their training, you can now look for an ARC Certified worker.  This also means that if someone tells you they have worked with me and they are not certified, it's most likely a great idea to steer-clear!

I'm so proud of these students! People who are already making between $1400-2000 per week. We even have students who improved an already working business and got to 6-figures! 

This summer I'll be certifying more than 57 WordPress Experts as well!

Welcome to the ALL-NEW Career Path Training here at A Real Change! I'm super excited to be working with all of these students and helping them change their entire life and business!

To see this month's graduates, they will be added through the month on this page. Currently we have more than 50 students to graduate! Woohoo!


Have an amazing Saturday!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski 


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