She's doing $90,000 per month with

nothing but PPC ads!

The power of PPC ads and internet marketing through a blog works for nearly any industry! One of the best connectors you can use in your business is a blog and social media. Run PPC ads through social media and it's a powerful combo!

Meet Julie Ann Muldoon, a stay at home Mum from Ireland! She is one of my top VIP clients. We meet through GoToMeeting, Instant Teleseminar and other online tools to stay connected and to get her the info she needs to build a big business. Being a VIP client means that she gets access to me for re-writing ads, copywriting and more. 

Let's look into this site like a Scientific Marketing Experiment:

#1- She doesn't use highly-polished models who are unrealistically thin

This is critical. When I marketed millions of dollars of products in the weight loss and health niche this was one of my BIGGEST secrets as well. Stop using photos that people can't relate with! Choose happy, fun and relatable photos for higher conversions. 

#2- Support for the diet and program is done through a Facebook group

ANOTHER big key! When people purchase your product, what method of follow up and support are you using? Social Media is great for this. If paying customers would do better in a Facebook group that's even better! Separate by campaign, product or promotion. 

#3- Drop ship with personal touch

Julie drops ships her products. She is a wholesale distributor. With each shipment she includes a CD and a booklet that she personally created to help people get better results. This sets her apart from every other provider. We did this with our kitchenware business, weight loss wholesale company and more. It works beautifully to build relationship and retention.

#4-Regular videos for motivation and success for customers

Julie recently had her BIGGEST month and it's partially due to a video campaign she did. This video campaign, with short updates each day for 30 days pushed her into the 7-figure zone with other $90,000 in sales in one month! Use simple tools like YouTube, Camtasia or even Social Cam! It's not hard and it doesn't have to be perfect!

You can view Julz site here:

Take some of these tips and put them into your business today! Will YOU be the next millionaire we create? We'd love to help you in your business!

With love,  

Sandi Krakowski